SRS - Never compromise.

The SRS ‘Never Compromise’ policy underpins our approach to safety in both the provision of plant and equipment as well as our onsite construction contracting works.

We comply with AS4801 as the governing standard for the safety of our operations. Our Never Compromise policy is founded upon;

  1. Full, demonstrative compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements
  2. Elimination and reduction of hazards as part of our control frameworks
  3. Consultation at all levels of our business with key stakeholders
  4. Providing safe equipment with an auditable work-life and maintenance/service history
  5. Providing best-in-breed equipment that is always purchased new by us from reputable manufacturers who share our values.

SRS will never compromise on safety. It’s the foremost consideration of our operations and our acknowledgement that if an equipment supplier’s standards cannot align with their clients, then they can’t do business. Risk management is at the heart of everything we do – the management, mitigation and control of technical risk is a core element of the SRS difference.

In order to achieve this objective we:

Provide full and demonstrative compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Eliminate or reduce all hazards that are identifiable or foreseeable, inline with our control framework.

Ensure adequate consultation at all levels of our business - engaging stakeholders in a meaningful way.

Only provide the best equipment that is regularly audited and maintained to schedule.

Ensure integrity in our supply chain process - only working with trusted manufacturers.

Constantly review our safety performance and relevant policies to ensure ongoing alignment.